Welcome to our API Integration information page

What is an API Integration?

API integration is like setting up a digital conversation between different computer programs so they can share information smoothly and automatically. Think of it as teaching different software languages to talk to each other. Just like how you might use a translator app on your phone to understand someone speaking a different language, API integration lets different pieces of software understand and use each other's data and functions.

APIs themselves are like the instructions or rules for how to have these conversations. They're a bit like recipes that tell one software how to request information from another, what kind of information can be asked for, and how it should be formatted when sent back. If we consider APIs as the vocabulary and grammar of a language, then API integration is putting those words and rules into action to have meaningful conversations.

For general businesses, this means you can have your software systems work together seamlessly. For example, your customer service software can automatically share information with your shipping system to update customers on their order status without anyone having to manually enter the information twice. Or, you could have your sales data from your website automatically feed into your accounting software, saving time, and reducing errors.

For our customers, this means we can offer more streamlined transportation services, quicker responses to your needs, and a smoother overall experience for you without getting bogged down by technical details or manual data entry. It's all about making sure our digital tools talk to each other in the most efficient way possible, so we can focus on delivering the best service available in the trucking industry.

Where can I find LJTE’s API Integration documentation?

Please use the links below to download an API Instructional PDF and utilize a Swagger UI for testing purposes.

Download our API documentation: LJTE API Documentation

Utilize Swagger UI for testing: Swagger UI